For this project, I was to redesign packaging for an existing product.
I chose to redesign the packaging for tampons. I thought that this could be fun and could address gender issues in the consumer world. For example, do tampon boxes need to have pretty pink butterflies on them? What do some of the words used to describe certain types even mean? Do they need an image of the tampon on them? Should women feel embarrassed buying tampons? Should men feel embarrassed buying tampons? These are the types of problems that I wanted to fix.
I had to make up a brand, and I had a goal in mind when doing so. I wanted to erase the stigma that tampons are gross and only for women and that people should be embarrassed when buying them. I wanted to create a brand that understands that a tampon is just a tampon, a brand that understands that all types of people who identify in all sorts of different ways use and purchase tampons. I wanted a brand that values equality, making their products more convenient for their consumers while also allowing their consumers to remain discreet about the product if they so choose.
I thought of my experience with tampons, and how inconvenient that box is that they come in. For some reason many packages have a curved flap to open them and they never really close very nicely after opening. They also aren't very accessible in your bathroom cupboard and taking out a new tampon should be easier than it is. So I decided that I would want a package that would serve a function in my cupboard, something that would make grabbing a new tampon quick and easy. For some reason I thought of a Slim Jim package I found once, and how it functioned as a dispenser. Thinking more about it, we also get plastic eating utensils and toothpicks in a similar fashion, so why not tampons?
I also thought about how I always feel like I have to hide tampons when I'm in public. At an old job I would have to hide one in my boot or tuck it into the waist line of my pants so that they guys at work wouldn't make any comments. This got me thinking of socially acceptable packages that people carry around all day. I ended up thinking about crayon boxes and cigarette boxes and how surprisingly similar they are. I figured that would make carrying tampons in a purse a lot easier (and would keep the tampons and the wrappers in good condition).
Style Guide:

Existing Tampon Packaging Research:

Concept Sketches for New Package Design:

Package Design Inspiration and Research:

Original 3D Models:

Rough Drafts:

File Management: