We received this project in Winter 2022 as a Walgreens Zodiac directive to be sold in Spring/Summer 2023 in Walgreens stores across the US. They specifically wanted a design that featured the constellations mapped out. I did some research and found that there are some discrepancies about which stars get connected in constellations and which stars are even included. I found a zodiac constellation vector kit and ended up using that as a pretty solid starting point for where the stars needed to be and which ones were connected.
After the first design drafts were submitted, Walgreens gave us the feedback that they wanted to add on personality characteristics of the zodiac signs. Walgreens provided the characteristics for each zodiac sign as well as specific colors that they wanted the vessels to be.
On the last round of revisions, Walgreens wanted some colors switched around based on what kind of signs the zodiacs were (for example, Aquarius is an air sign, so they wanted it to be changed to yellow rather than the original blue) as well as a slight text size adjustment.
Original Designs:

Second Round of Vessels with Decals:
Final Round of Vessels with Decals

Final Filled Candles Photographed for Walgreens Ecomm: