While working as a Head Resident Assistant, my supervisor and I agreed that it would be great for our in-building staff to have professional headshots that would showcase our staff to our residents as well as providing our staff with professional photos to use for things like resumes and LinkedIn.
We agreed on a few rules that would keep the photos professional:
1. No hats
2. Dress nice: Clothing such as dresses, button up shirts, blouses, sweaters, and plain t-shirts, are acceptable.
3. No words or logos on clothing
4. Avoid white tops, since the background is white
5. Big smiles!
These photos were originally used for postage around the office to show the residents who was on duty but they were also used for our staff badges.
Soon after I was tasked with creating new Residential Services staff badges featuring the new logo. Looking at the old design, I felt that the background was too flat, and the color wasn't quite right, so I incorporated a gradient into the background of the new one and added a shadow behind the photos as well to give a sense of depth. I also wanted to include the buildings in which the students were working in.

Below are comparison photos of the old photos and badges (on the left) and the new badges with my photos and design (right):